Service First

Prioritizing Customer Needs

San Diego, California

Service First

Prioritizing Customer Needs

San Diego, California


In two critical situations, the client was in need of a strong, reliable service partnership, something that a Mitsubishi competitor failed to provide.


CPT - A Service Branch of Mitsubishi Electric delivered timely, responsive, and quality service to save the client the cost of batteries - worth thousands of dollars.


The result for the client was a responsive service team at CPT who continues to provide quality service through reliable Mitsubishi UPS systems, responsiveness and expertise on cost savings.


A company that manufactures and delivers technological solutions to the transportation and defense industries experienced multiple let downs on their journey to finding a reliable and trustworthy service provider who prioritized their needs.


When a competitor disappointed them multiple times, and refused the service they needed, they referred to a local company to ensure those issues would never arise again.



With an Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) at its end of life, the facility team noticed a funny smell emitting from its batteries, and they realized the worst had happened: their batteries had gone into thermal runaway.


A potentially disastrous situation was rapidly ensuing, and the client knew they had to act fast. The client’s experience with working with a competitor’s service team was a pain - they were slow and bereaucratic in their approach.


This included filling out loads of paperwork and jumping through multiple hoops before even sending a technician onsite. At that point, thousands of dollars would be up in flames.


Strike two happened when the client installed new CRAC units and had to relocate their batteries to go with their UPS. The competition was unwilling to perform this service, leaving the client’s critical needs unmet.



In both situations, long-time trusted service provider, CPT - A Service Branch of Mitsubishi Electric, pulled through for the client. Not only did they arrive in less than 5 minutes when they received that frantic call about the client’s batteries going into thermal runaway, but they also performed a full replacement.


CPT’s quick response and expertise amounted to saving the client the cost of new batteries - which is worth thousands. And when the client needed to relocate their batteries, CPT flawlessly performed this service - a service the competition refused to do.


With trust and responsiveness at the forefront of their partnership, the client’s facility team leaned on CPT’s recommendation for a new UPS to back up their servers. CPT recommended that they replace the competitor’s model with a Mitsubishi Electric 9900AEGIS UPS, which is now installed at their San Diego location.



The client has experienced several utility power outages and the UPS has worked “flawlessly.” Dean Dahl, the business’s experienced Facility Manager of over 10 years, has continued the relationship with CPT because of their quality service, responsiveness, and “ideas to save money.” When asked about the partnership, Dahl said:

“ [I am a] fan of Mitsubishi and CPT because I know they have my back and give accurate [and] trusted free advice. ”


Transparency, guidance, and cost savings are highly valued by the client, and Dahl has expressed that this aspect is essentially non-negotiable. “When I can’t get that,” he says, “I change contractors.”


Mitsubishi and CPT continue to work closely with Dahl and his team. CPT had even recommended a Mitsubishi UPS for the client’s location in Texas, delivering them the most cost-effective solution with the quickest availability.